Reception Counter normally display a company’s image, name or logo, it also used for anything from greeting customers, answering telephone call, scheduling appointments, dealing with transactions, and compatible with the customer's need at lobby, in waiting room or in front of office. A foremost place to visit, this is why they are important in any business.
Here is some design concept/ideas should be considered:
1. Shape
Depends on the environment your counter will be in, is it an awkward space (with columns wall, low ceiling, split level floors, joined wall, or freestanding)?
1.1. Straight
1.2. Curve / U-Shape
1.3. L-Shape
1.4. Unique
1.5. Floating
1.6. Indoor / Window
2. Size
Depends on "how many users going to seat", "are there available to sit/stand behind the user's seat", "how many equipment need to use : (PCs, Printer, Phones, Scanner, other electronics)", "What kind of storage do you need"?
3. Style
Ask yourself : "Do you want your equipment to be visible or conceal", "Will it need to be accommodating for wheel chair usage", "Should it be one level or two level", "Do it need to display some simple product"?
3.1. Visible Equipment
3.2. Concealed Equipment
3.3 Wheelchair Usage
3.4 Display Function
3.5. Background Matching
3.6. Lighting
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